Tuesday 15 February 2011

Coca Cola: The Original Recipe


Originally aired 02.11.2011
The formula for Coca-Cola is one of the most jealously guarded trade secrets in the world. Locked in a vault in Atlanta. Supposedly unreplicable. But we think we may have found the original recipe. And to see if the formula actually might be Coke, we made a batch. Or, anyway, we asked the folks at Jones Soda and Sovereign Flavors to whip up some up, to see if it tastes like Coke. The recipe is here.
he formula for Coca-Cola is one of the most jealously guarded trade secrets in the world. So we were surprised to come across a 1979 newspaper article with what looked like the original recipe for Coke. Talking to historian Mark Pendergrast, author of For God, Country and Coca-Cola, we were even more surprised when we found reasons to believe the recipe is real. (25 minutes)

Want to try and make the "
original recipe" yourself?

And check out photos from this story:
  • The Notebook found by Everett Beal
  • Joe Jacobs Recipe
  • Whitten Recipe
  • Whitten Recipe Continued
  • Taste test 4

    read more on This American Life http://tinyurl.com/6zgg9xn

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